Our light, bright and clean movement space offers high ceilings and a
small, intimate and inviting studio environment to encourage your
growth and safety. We are fully equipped with the traditional Pilates
apparatus, including some of the often forgotten or underutilized
teaching tools and props to help personalize instruction. Our classes
max out at 4-5 students on apparatus and 6 for Mat classes. With the
small class size and the expertise of our teachers, students are carefully
observed and guided toward safely reaching their fullest potential. The
culture of our studio is encouraging, compassionate and warm.
You are the focus of each lesson. We are here to help you feel stronger,
more confident, more skilled and more mobile. Our teachers are
masterful at thinking on their feet and adapting each lesson to the
individual needs of each client. They have spent thousands of hours
studying anatomy, biomechanics and movement science to provide you
with the highest quality instruction. The work starts with you walking in
the door in whatever state of health you are presently in. Our teachers
will assess your strengths and challenges and will create a plan to
transform your body. Pilates meets you where you are and will progress
you to a new happier, healthier and more pain free body.