Freedom Wellness Club / Pilates Studio in Englewood, Florida

The Pilates Studio of Freedom Wellness Club is locally owned and committed to keeping Englewood, Florida, core strong, breathing deeply and aligned. We specialize in private, semi-private and small group sessions (S people max). Our studio features the Pilates Reformer, Wunda Chair, Cadillac, Tower, Barrels, Pedi-1-Pull, and so much more.

We recommend starting your Pilates journey by purchasing an "Intro to Pilates," pack of three private sessions. Private sessions offer tailor-made custom sessions dedicated to your specific needs, goals, and abilities. Private Pilates sessions create a safe, movement experience to learn all your Pilates principles, fundamentals and gain breath and core control.

Our state-of- the art Balanced Body Pilates Studio invites you to experience our sacred and healing studio dedicated to the systematic teaching of the Pilates Method with an amazing team of Classically and Contemporary certified instructors and inspired clients that frequent our classes each week.

Our Pilates Studio is a sacred space for mind, body, and soul transformation. With frequent visits you will unite your body, mind, and spirit, all while creating a strong core, restoring functional movement patterns, and leaving with an invigorated zest for celebrating your life.

How Do I Get Started?
Are you ready to try Pilates and Discover how Pilates will change your body and help you attain your fitness goals? To get you started our Pilates Studio offers a one-time complimentary Basic Pilates Reformer class every Saturday from 11:30 a.m.-12:30p.m.

Our one-time complimentary Basic Pilates Reformer Group class is intended for you to reconnect with your entire body. We will engage your core and turn on your mind, while actively learning the principles and fundamentals of Pilates. Plus, discover our awesome instructors and feel our studio vibe and culture.

Our studio classes are small and offer plenty of personalized attention. Whether you are looking for relief of back pain, increased core strength, a total body workout, better flexibility and balance in your life, our Pilates studio is dedicated to seeing you reach your Pilates milestones.

Toe Socks are mandatory. Please call to reserve your Reformer today!

Pilates is much more than a workout - it is a way of life!

We offer both Classical and Contemporary Pilates instruction.
Come Build Your Core With Us. Start Living Your Best Life!!!


AED/CPR Certified Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Balance Training Cadillac Classes Cardio-Reformer Chair Pilates Core Strength Corporate Classes Corrective Exercise Training Corrective Exercises To Balance The Body Fitness Training Flexibility Foam Roller Group Pilates Classes Instruction In Classical Pilates Kids Pilates Classes Massage Therapy Meditation Nutrition Counseling Oov Certified Personal Training Pilates For Golfers Pilates for Osteoporosis PIlates For Runners Pilates Mat Classes Pilates Reformer Classes Pilates Training for Athletes Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes Senior Pilates Programs Strength Training Stretching Classes Structural Integration Therapeutic Pilates Tower Classes TRX Suspension Training Weight Loss Coaching Wunda Chair Yoga
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