Surprise Pilates / Pilates Studio in Surprise, Arizona

Boutique Pilates, Barre, Yoga, and Suspension Training studio in Surprise, AZ! We pride ourselves in our personalized approach to meet your goals, abilities and needs. We offer small group training, privates, and duet sessions. Our instructors are fully certified and experienced with chronic conditions, injury rehab, pre and postnatal, as well as senior fitness. We are a friendly, welcoming studio for all ages and abilities. Our classes are small so everyone gets hands on help and attention. You may just surprise yourself with how good you can feel with Pilates and movement!


AED/CPR Certified Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Certification Preparation Certified Instruction Core Strength Flexibility Group Pilates Classes Nutrition Counseling Pilates For Golfers Pilates for Osteoporosis Pilates Reformer Classes Pilates Training for Athletes Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes Senior Pilates Programs TRX Suspension Training
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