Doctor Sarah Petrich / Pilates Studio in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Doctor Sarah Petrich, DPT, PRC, PMA®CPT is a Physical Therapist certified through the Pilates Pilates Method Alliance and trained as a Polestar Pilates Practitioner, a rehab based approach to Pilates. She also uses her certification in Postural Restoration to help balance out asymmetries and faulty neuromuscular patterns that lead to injury. These tools help her clients to elongate and decompress the spine; increase mobility in the joints; and move with less effort and live with less pain.

Working out of Studio U, a Physical Therapy Clinic and Pilates Studio, she can both treat injured patients and/or train wellness clients to improve on their strength, core conditioning and posture/form for more efficient and powerful movement. She also helps bridge the gap for people looking for a safe return to exercise and movement after they've rehabbed their injury.

She offers both private sessions and group mat and equipment classes. She has over 10 years of experience treating a variety of populations including athletes, dancers/gymnasts/figure skaters, geriatrics, and chronic pain.


Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Ballet Chair Pilates Core Strength Dance Instruction Dance Medicine Flexibility Group Pilates Classes Physical Therapy Pilates For Golfers Pilates for Osteoporosis PIlates For Runners Pilates Mat Classes Pilates Reformer Classes Pilates Training for Athletes Postural Restoration Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes Therapeutic Pilates Tower Classes Wunda Chair
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