Penny Mitchell / Pilates Studio in San Francisco, California

I am a PMA® Certified Pilates Teacher and I received my Pilates certification through the ITT Certified Pilates Instructor Training Program in San Francisco, CA.

The Integrated Teacher Training (ITT) Pilates program incorporates requirements that ensure an in depth education in anatomy as well as skills for working with, and maximizing, training for individuals with special physical considerations. The program was led by Jean Sullivan, owner and Director of A Body of Work Studios and co-founder of ITT Pilates. Jean has been a movement educator since 1998 and specializes in corrective exercise, postural assessment and program design. She devoted the majority of her teaching hours to these topics. This gave me a strong grounding in client assessment and the design of individual training programs, regardless of what physical condition each client presents. This also gave me the tools needed to work together with medical professionals, including physical therapists, in transitioning individuals from a medically supervised program to their own independent exercise program.

Please feel free to visit my website for further information regarding my qualifications.


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