Gemma Pagliei / Pilates Studio in Ardmore, Pennsylvania

Gemma Pagliei is a Pilates, Yoga and movement training professional based in Ardmore, PA, in the Philadelphia Main Line area. Since 2000, she has provided high quality training, offering instruction in Classical Pilates, Kali Ray TriYoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Yamuna Body Rolling, among other techniques. Study with Gemma and learn to re-educate your body to find correct use of muscles, joints and breath, improve posture and spinal alignment, and gain flexibility, balance, and coordination. Create renewed body awareness, affecting performance of everyday activities and sports. Gain the benefits of Pilates and yoga training, which tone and firm muscles, yet are low impact and gentle on joints, relieving tension and stress. Whether your goals are alleviating chronic pain, regaining strength and range of motion from injuries, getting back into shape, or achieving peak performance, Gemma has the knowledge and experience to tailor programs to individual ability level and physical needs. For more information, please visit


Alignment Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Balance Training Ballet Chair Pilates Core Strength Dance Instruction Flexibility PIlates For Runners Postural Correction And Flexibility Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes Senior Pilates Programs Stretching Classes Therapeutic Pilates Yoga
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