Julia Bourne / Pilates Studio in Upland, California

Julia Bourne is a STOTT Pilates instructor trainer with 10 years of teaching experience. Bourne Pilates offers private and group reformer sessions and mat and Barre classes. We customize workouts for each individual client and specialize in Pilates for the senior population, post-rehabilitation Pilates and pre-natal Pilates.


Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Balance Training Barre Classes Cadillac Classes Certification Preparation Chair Pilates Fitness Training Personal Training Pilates For Golfers Pilates for Osteoporosis Pilates Mat Classes Pilates Reformer Classes Pilates Training for Athletes Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes Senior Pilates Programs Strength Training Stretching Classes Tower Classes TRX Suspension Training
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