Krista McCarthy / Pilates Studio in Delray Beach, Florida

The Krista McCarthy Studio is owned and directed by Krista McCarthy. Krista was trained in the classical method and also is a facilitator for the Fletcher Pilates Method. The main difference between Fletcher Pilates and other forms of Pilates is reflected in the core of the Fletcher Pilates Method- "The Percussive Breathing Technique." The fully developed, specific training of one's lung capacity while moving through Pilates exercises helps to improve posture and recruit core muscles. The Krista McCarthy Studio also offers full movement programs using the Spine Corrector, Towelwork, Barrework, and Floorwork in addition to the classical exercises of the Pilates Method. These innovative additions to the Pilates work reflect the constant evolution of movement.
The Krista McCarthy Studio spans the spectrum of movement programs for the post-rehabilitative client as well as the athlete.


AED/CPR Certified Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Arthritis Balance Training Ballet Ballet Barre Barre Barre Classes Barrels Barreworke Body & Cardio Sculpting Body Analysis Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Breathing Cadillac Classes Cancer Cardio Pilates Cardio-Reformer CARDIOLATES® Certification Preparation Certified Instruction Chair Pilates Chiropractic Core Barre Core Strength Corporate Classes Corrective Exercise Training Corrective Exercises To Balance The Body Disc Herniations Fibromyaligia Fitness Training Flexibility Foam Roller Group Pilates Classes Instruction In Classical Pilates Ladder Barrel Lifestyle And Weight Management Services Myofascial Release Nutrition Counseling Personal Training Physical Therapy Pilates For Golfers Pilates for Osteoporosis PIlates For Runners Pilates Mat Classes Pilates Reformer Classes Pilates Teacher Training Program Pilates Training for Athletes Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates Private Pilates Classes ROM Semi-Private Pilates Classes Strength Training Stretching Classes Structural Integration Therapeutic Pilates Tower Classes Weight Loss Coaching Wunda Chair Yoga
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