Secret Physique Barre is a mind-body work-out that combines ballet barre work, Pilates, and yoga.
The strength work consists of many different exercises that work each muscle to exhaustion followed by stretching, which is what gives the muscle a long lean appearance. Alignment is the most important part of each exercise to be sure you can work the muscle as intense and safe as possible. The method includes an hour-long mind-body workout to fun upbeat music followed by an inspirational cool down.
This combination creates a fitness system that firms, lengthens, and re-shapes muscles to their most optimal form.
Our method was influenced by the decades-old proven exercise, The Lotte Berk Method. The class begins with working the upper body with free weights, and then moves to the bar to work the legs intensely, followed by abdominal work, and finished on mats for more core work, seat exercises and stretching. All while listening to the perfect music to get you feeling exactly how you should at each moment!