Bonnie McMinn, Owner, Certified Pilates Instructor, NeuroKinetic Therapist / Pilates Studio in Prescott, Arizona

Now offering FaceTime video calls for Pilates sessions! Don’t let all that hard work, time and investment go by the wayside during the COVID-19 shelter in place mandate. Contact us now for a complimentary 30 minute trial Pilates Mat session! or . Limited time offer.

We specialize in Polestar Pilates and posture work which focuses on Functional Fitness, Core, Balance, Flexibility, Stabilization, Strength and Breath. As a peer educator for American Bone Health, we promote SAFE movements for clients with spinal issues, including osteopenia, osteoporosis. Our additional advanced training supports those clients with spinal stenosis, Spondy and bulging discs. As a Level 3 NeuroKinetic Therapist(NKT), we treat muscle facilitation and inhibition for pain and movement dysfunction. Pilates and NKT are the winning combination for a highly effective and productive fitness lifestyle.

We offer a completely private studio setting(Balanced Body Reformer, Allegro, Cadillac, Chair, Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector, Magic Circle, Roller, Stability Ball and Bands) without distraction. One-on-one training is 100% customized to you and your fitness/health goals. We offer flexible hours tailored to fit into your busy schedule! Work with the Apparatus, Mat or both!

Some of the many benefits of Pilates:
Improved postural awareness and control
Enhanced energy, mental concentration and breathing control
Increased core strength and muscular balance
Enhanced body awareness
Increased agility, mobility, and stamina
Decreased pain and tension
Stronger, longer, leaner, toned muscles
Increased circulation
Improved athletic performance
Preventative injury conditioning
Improved sleep patterns

In addition to being Polestar Pilates Studio Comprehensive(Internationally known for critical reasoning and analytical thinking for the application of the exercises) and Power Pilates Mat certified, other certifications include Certified Titleist Performance Institute Golf Fitness instructor, Peer Educator for American Bone Health(extensive in training in teaching you how to exercise SAFELY if you have Osteoporosis/Osteopenia), Certified Posture Specialist by National Posture Institute, and NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT).

Specialized and extensive Pilates protocols training and continuing education include the following conditions: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Disc Herniation, Neck and Shoulder problems, Joint Replacements(hip, knee, shoulder), Spondylolisthesis, OsteoArthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, Stroke and Migraines just to name a few. Extensive work with pre and post surgical protocols including neck, upper and lower back, shoulder, knee, hip and ankle surgeries. Call for details at .


30 Minute Complimentary Mat Session Via Facetime, Limited Time O AED/CPR Certified Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Arthritis Balance Training Bandilates (pilates With Resistance Bands) Barrels Breathing Cadillac Classes Certified Speaker For American Bone Health Certified Instruction Certified NeuroKinetic Practitioner Certified Pilates Therapist Certified Posture Specialist Certified Speak For American Bone Health Chair Pilates Core Strength Corrective Exercise Corrective Exercise Training Corrective Exercises To Balance The Body Disc Herniations Equipment And Mat Pilates Fibromyaligia Fitness Training Flexibility Foam Roller Group Apparatus Group Pilates Classes Increase Body Awareness Integrative Ladder Barrel Mobility Movement Integration Neurokinetic Therapist NeuroKinetic Therapy One-on-one Training Peer Educator For American Bone Health Pelvic Floor Issues Personal Training Physical Therapy Pilates Pilates Circuit Classes Pilates For Equestrians Pilates For Golfers Pilates for Osteoporosis PIlates For Runners Pilates Mat Classes Pilates Reformer Classes Pilates Training for Athletes Pilates Working On All Apparatuses In Circuit Posture Specialist Power Plate Based Classes Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Private Pilates Classes Qigong Recovery Wellness For Clients Recovering From Illness Or Injury Semi-Private Pilates Classes Senior Pilates Programs Special Needs Classes Offered Strength Training Stretching Classes Structural Integration Therapeutic Pilates TRX Suspension Training Whole Body Vibration Wunda Chair
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