Hana Lauterkranc / Pilates Studio in Pasadena, California

Balanced Concepts, in Pasadena since 1997, provides personalized Pilates fitness programs tailored to your specific needs. Our Director, Hana Lauterkranc has lifelong experience in body work and training. Her experience as a nationally competing gymnast (Balance Beam) and Modern ballet dancer, have helped her to develop the core value in her teachings. The Balanced Concepts Program tailors it’s workouts to meet an individuals specific needs. Balanced Concepts features Private and Semi-Private Pilates classes, Adult Ballet and Yoga. Our director, Hana Lauterkranc, works closely with Chiropractors, Orthopedists, Neurologists, and Acupuncturists to help you achieve fitness and to address specific needs.

The Balanced Concepts Studio is far more than just a place to workout, it is a cultural experience. Our community provides an active link to "What's New" in our "Hometown of Pasadena". From cultural events to recommended books to favorite recipes, you will find Balanced Concepts be of great value in balancing your lifestyle.

Let's Get Fit!


Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Core Strength Training Corporate Classes Dance Instruction Personal Training Pilates Reformer Classes Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes Senior Pilates Programs Strength Training Yoga
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