Pilates Institute of Southern California - Christine Bierke (Pilates Instructor) / Pilates Studio in Manhattan Beach, California

The Pilates Institute of Southern California offers certified Pilates exercise lessons and training. We design individual programs to meet your specific needs, with a mission to empower you to be in control of your health and well-being. In each session you'll be given tools to help with efficiency in your own movement patterns - we believe you'll take these tools and apply them to your every-day life. Our Pilates studio, located in Manhattan Beach, CA, has been open since 2000 and features industry-leading equipment, trained instructors and a warm, supportive atmosphere for the Pilates community. We offer private and semi-private lessons, with group classes available to our clients.


Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training Certification Preparation Pilates Mat Classes Pilates Training for Athletes Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes
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