Harmony Mind Body Fitness / Pilates Studio in Chicago, Illinois

Harmony Mind Body Fitness, Inc., located in the heart of Lincoln Park, offers private, duet and group sessions in Pilates, GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, and CARDIOLATES®. All of these forms of exercise are changing the way that people workout, as they find that intelligent, fun exercise does actually exist. Harmony offers clients, from the novice to the professional athlete, a chance to find a more meaningful connection between their mind and body as they move. The exercises are based on those of yoga, dance, tai chi, and swimming, and when you mesh those ideas together, they become a wonderfully connected series of movements that reap many benefits. You may feel taller, leaner, stronger, but most remarkably, more alive when you leave a session. Just ponder some of the principles of Pilates: concentration, control, center, fluidity, precision, breath, imagination and intuition. Our goal at Harmony is to give each client a fun, safe, effective workout - changing the body one session at a time.


Alleviating Back Pain & Back Strength Training CARDIOLATES® Certification Preparation Gyrokinesis Classes Gyrotonic Pilates For Golfers Pilates Mat Classes Pilates Training for Athletes Pre-Rehab & Post-Rehab Pilates Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates Private Pilates Classes Semi-Private Pilates Classes Yoga
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